Advaith Mani Work


( Two dimensional explorations - 2022)
Simplistic representation is what attracted me initially towards graphic design. Even before I pursued it as a profession and through my education, I engaged myself in finding opportunities to explore this niche.
image of a magazine
NAVIGATE ANY TERRAIN was an article for which I had to design the illustrations according to the content presented in the article.
image of a magazine image of two illustrations of rainforests and mountains


( Layout, composition and illustration - 2022)
The catalogue below was designed for THE HEIRLOOM SEED COMPANY. The content had to be laid out aesthetically along with the illustrations for the same.
image of a the heirloom seed catalogue cover image of the heirloom seed catalogue


(illustrations- 2018-2020)
image of a 2d illustration of Coldplay band and a girl eating a smoothie bowl
Coldplay and cafe's (because life is a beautiful-crazy design)
image of an illustration of Micheal Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman and a graphic of Bombay
The Chicago Bulls of the Last Dance and the City of Bombay, both playing significant roles in my life.
image of an illustration of Naseerudin Shah and Ranveer singh in Gully Boy
And ofcourse, Bombay without some Bollywood would never be possible !